
A tool to index your hard drive

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About the authors of quaneko

Thomas Jund, Andrew Mustun and Laurent Cohn are undergraduate students at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur (ZHW).

Andrew Mustun

Andrew has been heavily involved in various large and middle sized open source projects since 1995. He is the founder of well known projects like QCad, ManStyle and dxflib. QCad was awarded the 3rd prize in the First Swiss Opensource Competition, organized by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) in 2001. Andrew's main interests are in the CAD / CAM area as well as in documentation and information management.
He worked for 14 months on a collaboration solution for a UK based company which is specialized in document management for the building industry.
In quaneko, Andrew was responsible for the parser, the stemmer module and parts of the indexing module as well as the CLI and the API of quaneko. Further, his experience in developing multi-platform solutions contributed to keep quaneko portable.

Laurent Cohn

Laurent has his main interests in web programming and web design. He has designed several web pages for companies and well-known non-profit organizations. Laurent has a lot of programming experience with PHP and MySQL. His experience with working with graphics and his intuition for good design, combined with his C++ skills make him a great GUI programmer.
In quaneko, Laurent programmed the Filter Library and designed the GUI. He has also designed the quaneko logo printed on the title page and the quaneko program icons. Being the only active Windows user on the team, his Windows expertise kicked in handy when porting quaneko to Windows.

Thomas Jund

Thomas received his certificate of ability as electrical draughtsman from the Swiss Federation in 1998. He worked in the area of computer aided design (CAD), documentation publishing and technical documentation services for a company specialized in building automation. In addition to his interests in Networking and CAD, he has also been active in web design and web programming.
The implementation of the inverted index and the array index as well as testing are the main activities covered by Thomas in quaneko. He collaborated on parts of documentation and on the port to Windows.

quaneko :: A tool to index your hard drive :: Andrew Mustun, Thomas Jund and Laurent Cohn :: students of ZHWIN